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9 Τips we can all use to help combat dirty paws

How do you handle the dirty paws and muddy paws? Here are 9 tips we can all use to help combat dirty paws during the winter to summer transition...

1. Restrict access to muddy places.
Cut back on dirty paws by stopping your pup from digging in the yard and fencing off any areas that can get muddy, like flower beds.

2. Condition your dog to foot touching.
Not all pups like their feet touched. Until he’s familiar with getting wiped down, take it slow, and use lots of encouragement and treats.

3. Protect those paws.
Try using Paws & Nose Balm on your pup’s paws before you head outside. The wax barrier will help keep dirt and mud from getting deep into the fur and sides of the paw pads. It will also protect your dog’s paws from rough surfaces, salt, ice and sand.

4. Shampoo and moisturize those dirty paws.
Because you’ll be wiping your dog’s paws at least once a day, use a gentle shampoo. Try Paws Dry Clean shampoo that is safe to use daily with fresh puppy powder scent.

5. Do some basic training.
Teaching your dog the “sit, stay” cue will help a lot! He may have the urge to run through your living room and expensive rugs, but a well-trained pup will stay put when told. “Walk around” or “go in a circle” commands can help get your dog to dry off his own paws on your entry mat.

6. Let floor covers do the work for you.
Put an absorbent mat outside the door, and add a runner inside that your dog must walk on. This should help brush off some dirt and help dry paws.

7. Save your furniture.
A cover on your sofa and other furniture that you can easily take off and wash can help if your dog enjoys lying on them and rubbing his dirty feet all over the place.

8. Keep things trimmed.
Don’t just trim your dog’s nails. Keep an eye out for any hair poking out between the pads. Trimming that back will not only make any cleaning effort easier but will cut down on the amount of dirt that your pup picks up.

9. Be careful of salt/sand.
Material like salt or sand that is used on snow and ice can be trouble. Wipe all this off your dog’s dirty paws as soon as possible. Not only will it keep your dog from ingesting it when he licks his feet, it also keeps that abrasive material off your floors.


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