Love is in the air! 5 Signs that your dog loves you!
- Hits: 1513
From loving gazes to simple nearness, these five signs your dog is giving you indicate a connection that goes far past a room-and-board relationship.
Can You Use Human Shampoo on Dogs?
- Hits: 1607
Your dog needs a bath, and you don't have any dog shampoo on hand. Let's concede that human shampoo will clean your dog, but the question is, is it good for your dog? This may seem like a quibbling question, but it can actually have far-reaching consequences.
The Healing Power of Cat Purrs!
- Hits: 2242
Were you aware that cats can actually heal you with their purring? Purrs vibrate between 25-150 hertz, which is a frequency known to be medically therapeutic for many illnesses!
Itching, Causes & Treatments for dog
- Hits: 1035
Chronic licking is usually attributed to allergies and other causes that can be traced to just about anything. It could be the food, the chemicals in your yard, your carpet cleaning products, anxiety, and so much more. Some of the most common causes are the following:
Dog's body language: Ears
- Hits: 1322
Dogs are very expressive animals. They communicate when they’re feeling happy, sad, nervous, fearful and angry, and they use their ears to convey much of this information.